Peter Arkadius Wimsay wurde im Jahr 709.M41 als zweiter Sohn des Earls of Talisker geboren. Er wuchs die ersten Jahre seines Lebens auf einem Adelsinternat in Praetoria auf und besuchte danach, wie für die Lords von Praetoria üblich, die Militärakademie in Sandrighurst auf Angelus Minor. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss im Jahr 728.M41 wurde er zum Officer Cadet befördert und als Cornet bei den 11th Hussaren eingesetzt.
Hier verbrachte er einige Zeit in einer Dienststellung zur Disposition und war ausschließlich mit Parade- und Ordonnanzaufgaben betraut. Nachdem mehrere Gesuche zur Versetzung in eine aktive Einheit der Praetorianischen Garde ausserhalb des Hauptplaneten immer wieder an der Intervention seiner Familie zu scheitern schienen, meldete er sich im Jahr 735.M41 als Leutnant bei den 20ten Praetorianischen Dragonern, einer Einheit die als Zehntregiment der Imperialen Garde überstellt wurde. Damit begann endlich seine lang ersehnte, militärische Karriere, in der er endlich sein Können als Offizier unter beweiststelle konnte und musste.
Als Teil der Armeegruppe Angelus nahm Wimsay mit dem Regiment an zahlreichen Gefechten teil. Eine seiner zahlreichen Glanzleistungen war die Erstürmung von Erobal auf Arslan III und das Massaker auf den weiten Hügeln von Zarendra VII. Als Captain wurde er Adjutant des Regimentschefs, Roger Viscount Sidmouth`s, und mehrfach mit dem Stern von Praetoria (Bronze, Silber und Gold) ausgezeichnet. Seine Erhebung in den Adelsstand kam nach der Eröffnungsschlacht von Mumbai, zum Viscount Wimsay.
Mittlerweile zum Major befördert und zum Regimentsstabschef designiert, begleitete er seine Einheit der Invasion in den Delija Subsector. Während des Feldzuges befehligte er die Invasionen von Indira III und Indira IV, wurde zeitweiliger Militärgouverneur von Indira IV und später zum Oberstleutnant befördert.
Im Jahr 746.M41, mit dem Beginn der Operationen in den Sabbatwelten, erbte Lord Wimsay das Regimentsoberkommando. Nach der Schlacht von Balhaut wurden drei neue Armeegruppen ausgehoben die die Flanken des Sabbatkreuzzuges sichern sollten. Lord Wimsay und dem 20ten Praetoria kam dabei wieder eine führende Rolle zu.
"Peter Arcadius Wimsay" was born in 709.M41, the second son of the Earl of Talisker. He grew up in the first years of his life on a needle and then attended boarding school in Praetoria, as is customary for the Lords of Praetoria, the Military Academy in Sandrighurst on Angelus Minor. After successful completion of a year he was promoted to 728.M41 Officer Cadet and used as a Cornet in the 11th Hussars.
Here he spent some time in a service position to the disposition and was only charged with parades and duties as ordnance officer. After several requests for transfer to an active unit of Praetorian guard outside the main planets always seem to fail due to the intervention of his family, he enlisted in 735.M41 as a lieutenant in the 20th Praetorian dragoons, a unit of the regiment as a tithe of the Imperial Guard was transferred. This finally began his long-awaited military career in which he can finally be an officer under beweiststelle could and had.
As part of the army group Wimsay Angelus took the regiment participated in many battles. One of his many feats was the storming of Erobal of Arslan III and the massacre in the rolling hills of Zarendra VII As captain, he was adjutant of the regiment chief, Roger Viscount Sidmouth's, and several times with the Star of Praetoria (bronze, silver and gold ) awarded. His elevation to the peerage came to the opening battle of Mumbai, the Viscount Wimsay.
Meanwhile, promoted to Major and regimental chief of staff designated, he accompanied his unit to the invasion of Delija Subsector. During the campaign he commanded the invasion of Indira and Indira III, IV, temporary military governor of Indira IV and was later promoted to lieutenant colonel.
In 746.M41, with the start of operations in the Sabbat Worlds, Lord Wimsay inherited the Regiment Command. After the battle of Balhaut three new army dug the groups should secure the flanks of the Sabbat Crusade. Lord Wimsay and the 20th Praetoria came here again to play a leading role.
"Peter Arcadius Wimsay" was born in 709.M41, the second son of the Earl of Talisker. He grew up in the first years of his life on a needle and then attended boarding school in Praetoria, as is customary for the Lords of Praetoria, the Military Academy in Sandrighurst on Angelus Minor. After successful completion of a year he was promoted to 728.M41 Officer Cadet and used as a Cornet in the 11th Hussars.
Here he spent some time in a service position to the disposition and was only charged with parades and duties as ordnance officer. After several requests for transfer to an active unit of Praetorian guard outside the main planets always seem to fail due to the intervention of his family, he enlisted in 735.M41 as a lieutenant in the 20th Praetorian dragoons, a unit of the regiment as a tithe of the Imperial Guard was transferred. This finally began his long-awaited military career in which he can finally be an officer under beweiststelle could and had.
As part of the army group Wimsay Angelus took the regiment participated in many battles. One of his many feats was the storming of Erobal of Arslan III and the massacre in the rolling hills of Zarendra VII As captain, he was adjutant of the regiment chief, Roger Viscount Sidmouth's, and several times with the Star of Praetoria (bronze, silver and gold ) awarded. His elevation to the peerage came to the opening battle of Mumbai, the Viscount Wimsay.
Meanwhile, promoted to Major and regimental chief of staff designated, he accompanied his unit to the invasion of Delija Subsector. During the campaign he commanded the invasion of Indira and Indira III, IV, temporary military governor of Indira IV and was later promoted to lieutenant colonel.
In 746.M41, with the start of operations in the Sabbat Worlds, Lord Wimsay inherited the Regiment Command. After the battle of Balhaut three new army dug the groups should secure the flanks of the Sabbat Crusade. Lord Wimsay and the 20th Praetoria came here again to play a leading role.
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