Montag, 23. August 2010

1st Battalion, 2nd Platoon, 1st Squad

The Warrant Officer/Sergeant of the Squad

One Guardsmen

Thats an old veteran from hibernia, an superior planet of praetorian colony empire

His name ist Old McFinlley
The Squad calls him "the Old"

Some Guardsmen of the Squad

Again...with the Maschine Gun Crew

Thats the 1st Squad

From the Top

Thats on the Workbench for the next time...
see us soon....

Mittwoch, 18. August 2010

From 14th Kaledon Rangers and the 2nd Platoon

So, the 3rd Battalion whout called 14th Kaledon Rangers in his 1st Platoon. Nice name...
At the next Pics from 2nd Platoon, 1st Battalion....Praetorians !!

Lasgun and Heavy Bolter of the 1st and 2nd Squad 2nd Platoon

One Guardsman ready to fire

An convertet Sergeant

If you see, i have use the head from cadian Sergeant

The Guardsman again, background Lasgun Crew

Some unfinished Guarsman of the 2nd Squad

Again, i love the Guys.

1st Squad is waiting....

Command Crew of 2nd Platoon, Standard and Guardsman

Flammer and Guardsman

Colonel Arthur Hammond
from Praetorian Corps of Guides, called "Hammonds Cavalry" as Part of the Dragoon Guards of 20th Praetorian

A Scale between Warhammer 40K and Perry Miniatures. I think it´s ok.
It´s the other Sergeant of 2nd Platoon, Colour Sergeant Garner.

 The Lasgun Crew again

And there are some Pics of work.....see you next time again.

Montag, 16. August 2010

Lowland Grenadiers ore Kaledon Rangers

There is the complet Platoon in Command of Major Don "Big Fist" Hardigan

And there is the Commander, Big Fist with his Command Squad

Thats a Pic from Sergeant Delany, 1st Squad.

Delany again

Thats the senior Sergeant Douglas Tyron, called "Old Ironhand"
his left arm was thrashed by an explosion. So he gets an Bionic.

We see the 1st Squad from Sergeant Delany in Fire Position

There is the Mortar Team from 2nd Sqaud.
Corporal Hugh Jenkins, is one of the so called "Pyro-Brothers" from the Platoon

There is he, and his Brother Luke Jenkins. There are

the Heavy-Flammer Team from the Platoon.
The best side, the Backside ;-)

The Regiments New Home - Indira IV an Imperial Praetorian Colony

Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

The first Pics of the new cavalry units. The pics are not so good.
It is the Major General of the mounted Forces from the 20th Praetorian.

List to do

Some view thinks are to do in the next time.....

  • 2nd Platoon (A Company), 1st Battalion, 20th Praetoria
  • 1st and 2nd Platoon, 2nd Battalion (818th Yukoni), 20th Praetoria
  • 1st Platoon (name don`t know, see puplic opinion poll an the left side), 3rd Battalion
and then, how whout i organize the Regiment. Shall i made an 4th Battalion with the Vostroyans/Bulgarz oder shout i make an 2nd Platoon to the 3rd Battalion.

And then, i´ve bought some Cavalry. Shall i make a separate unit ?

Dienstag, 10. August 2010

Commodore Conrad Hardenberg - Chief Tactician Advisor of Dencarian Fleet - Ultima Segmetum

Ok, i´m not good in rebuildung. But this is the Miniature: My new Fleet Advisor from the Dencara Fleet as Part of the Imperial Navy in Segmentum Ultima detached to Imperial Navy in Segmentum Tempestus to get some Parts of the Kandahar Field Force to Battle against some Tau and Orcs.

The Commodore from the Front

And his Backside

From his "Sugar" Side

And from the Front again

And there with my next Work, the 2nd Platoon and in the Background Commander Memnon from Deathwatch and some new Green Stuff.

Hope your Enjoy my diletant work^^.