Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014

Historical German - a special book Review

Hi all over the word,

The found...
i found an amazing case book in my person libray. An news paper case book from the year 1884 in german. The newspaper was the "Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung". Funny moments i had, as i read that the german people in this time had an eye on Sudan and all what is there going on.

There are the Pics for you. Happy time. Till next year !
Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung
Über Land und Meer
1884 Jahrgang

Baker Pascha

The Mahdi (left)


The Battle of Tokar

Impressions of Sudan

Africa Conferenc, Lord Granville in the middle, Lord Cromer (Evelyn Baring) on the right

I wish you all the best,

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