This is the core of the Royal Praetorian Fleet in Delihan Sector, around the Apocalypse Class Battleship "Royal Oak".
I work my way from year to year by more ships. It is sort of a hobby in the hobby. Here is the collection of ships of the Imperial fleet. Add to that is a squadron of Space Marine cruisers, from the Order of the Blood Dragons.
The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern) |
The Royal Oak (Apocalypse Class) |
The Resolution (Mars Pattern) |
The Resolution (Mars Pattern) |
The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern) |
The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern) |
The Royal Praetorian Fleet Delihan Sector
Lord Admiral Sir Randolf van Amburgh |
"The High Kings Sword" (Gladius Frigate Squadron) |
The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class) |
The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class) |
The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class) |
"The High Kings Sword" (Gladius Frigate Squadron) |
Thanks for c & c.
@Dai: Yes, a whole fleet, i hope an expending fleet ;-)
So long
4 Kommentare:
A whole fleet!? Nice!
I really need to look into getting some battlefleet gothic. Always felt the ships were lovely sculpts.
Brings back memories of mine - I must dig them out! Great work. And the latest exchange work is on the blog...
I like a good Gothic fleet. I have several but my favoriute is a fleet of a dozen ork roks I built on a lark.
Battlefleet Gothic! oh, I never did get any of those when they were about. I kind of regret it now, they are awesome! cool stuff!
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