Montag, 23. Juli 2012

Royal Praetorian Fleet - Delihan Sector [1]

This is the core of the Royal Praetorian Fleet in Delihan Sector, around the Apocalypse Class Battleship "Royal Oak".

I work my way from year to year by more ships. It is sort of a hobby in the hobby. Here is the collection of ships of the Imperial fleet. Add to that is a squadron of Space Marine cruisers, from the Order of the Blood Dragons. 
The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern)

The Royal Oak (Apocalypse Class)

The Resolution (Mars Pattern)

The Resolution (Mars Pattern)

The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern)

The Royal Hind (Mars Pattern)

The Royal Praetorian Fleet Delihan Sector
Lord Admiral Sir Randolf van Amburgh
 "The High Kings Sword" (Gladius Frigate Squadron)
The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class)

The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class)

The Minota (Light Cruiser Armatus Class)

"The High Kings Sword" (Gladius Frigate Squadron)
Thanks for c & c.
@Dai: Yes, a whole fleet, i hope an expending fleet ;-)

So long

4 Kommentare:

Dai hat gesagt…

A whole fleet!? Nice!

I really need to look into getting some battlefleet gothic. Always felt the ships were lovely sculpts.

Colonel Scipio hat gesagt…

Brings back memories of mine - I must dig them out! Great work. And the latest exchange work is on the blog...

ColKillgore hat gesagt…

I like a good Gothic fleet. I have several but my favoriute is a fleet of a dozen ork roks I built on a lark.


Col. Ackland hat gesagt…

Battlefleet Gothic! oh, I never did get any of those when they were about. I kind of regret it now, they are awesome! cool stuff!